45 old German rescued from Psiristra

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45 old German rescued from Psiristra

Beitrag von MichPaule »

Another tourist ignoring all all warnings and causing a huge rescue operation.
https://www.zarpanews.gr/exofrenikes-le ... ion-video/
Hope he was not one of us! :oops:
It is a mystery for me how he managed to reach Psiristra from Agia Roumeli with only one bottle of water.
In this heat wave I would have collapsed much sooner!
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Registriert: 29. Oktober 2019, 16:09

Re: 45 old German rescued from Psiristra

Beitrag von Gregor »

I saw the helicopter and suspected something bad. Always German :roll:
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: 27. September 2016, 12:27

Re: 45 old German rescued from Psiristra

Beitrag von phried »

Very stupid action. This is certainly the result of overestimation and ignorance. But i’m sure he didn't want to put himself and the rescue in this trouble. Hope he comes back home healthy.
kokkinos vrachos
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Registriert: 5. September 2013, 14:56
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Re: 45 old German rescued from Psiristra

Beitrag von kokkinos vrachos »

Moin, die lokalen Medien in Kreta haben ausführlich darüber berichtet.

Zum Abtransport für den Wanderer aus Deuschland kam ein Hubschrauber aus Athen zum Einsatz, der den Wanderer in ein Krankenhaus nach Chania geflogen hat.

Tourist rescued from Samaria Gorge; had ignored heatwave warning
https://www.keeptalkinggreece.com/2024/ ... e-warning/

kali evdomada, kv
„Ich hoffe nichts, ich fürchte nichts, ich bin frei." Nikos Kazantzakis
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Re: 45 old German rescued from Psiristra

Beitrag von admin »

If persons are warning you, it is forbidden at the same time - and if you ignore all this, stupid is certainly the correct word. The Samaria gorge would have been the correct choice - shade and water available, and nevertheless several hundred height-meters.

Best wishes

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