30 Minuten Doku über die Sfakia bei Rai

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kokkinos vrachos
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Registriert: 5. September 2013, 14:56
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30 Minuten Doku über die Sfakia bei Rai

Beitrag von kokkinos vrachos »

Moin und Kalimera, diese Tage kam bei dem italienischen Sender Rai eine Doku über die Sfakia: https://www.raiplay.it/video/2021/03/Ge ... f9c5a.html

"The half-hour documentary was shown on Tuesday afternoon with "protagonists" of the Sfakians of today

The viewers of Italian television had the opportunity to tour the beauties of Sfakia and get to know the life of the inhabitants, who on Tuesday afternoon enjoyed a half-hour documentary about Sfakia on the RAI 3 channel and the GEO program.

This is the first international screening of the documentary "Gente di Sfakia" (The Sfakians), directed by Andrea Rovetta and written by Claudio Prizio.

The documentary, shot in Sfakia and the whole area between the White Mountains and the South Cretan Sea, narrates the current life of the ancient civilization of Sfakia, through the unique testimonies and documents of the inhabitants of Sfakia.

People of all ages participate, their activities, manners and customs are presented, and all those unique moments that describe their long history to the world through their music, special arts, and gastronomy, the relation to Chania etc.

The trailer of the documentary typically mentions the following:

Island of Crete, south coast: Ancient people live between the White Mountains and the Libyan Sea. They are the Sfakians. They consider themselves the heirs of the Dorians and for centuries have been the proud defenders of the island. Today, Sfakia, thanks to a newly built road, is fully part of the tourist routes. The people of Sfakia, however, do not give up traditional activities such as sheep breeding and tell the world their long history thanks to music, arts and gastronomy. It is not just about folklore: In the capital of the prefecture, Chania - the jewel of Crete - rural products, such as yogurt and cheese, are sold in the market and favor the local economy. Traditions related to music and dance are still being felt, the protagonists of the festivities.

https://flashnews.gr/post/456501/yperox ... i-3-binteo

na se kala, kv
„Ich hoffe nichts, ich fürchte nichts, ich bin frei." Nikos Kazantzakis

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